Hide Motorcycles Japan recently completed the build of another outstanding custom with Cafe Racer influenced styling. Starting with a Buell 2005 XB9S Lightning Hidemo have applied a healthy dose of custom parts to create this original and unique motorcycle.
The 3 month build included the application of a custom tank, custom frame, oil tanks, bars, rims, exhaust and fairings. In their own words “This is most our super custom machine. Like a old racers and dragracers”. The Glory recently appeared at the Yokohama Mooneyes 2008 Hot Rod Custom show along with some of their other latest creations like the Sportster based “Genuine Sports” and their Harley Davidson “Knuckle Custom”.
The Glory took 3 months to complete and you can check out photos from the build process here on their website. If you take a look at a standard 2005 Buell XBS9 it’s almost impossible to comprehend that the Glory once looked like this. Personally I think it’s a huge improvement, although the Buells did look pretty stunning when they were first released they seem to have aged terribly in just a few years.

Hidemo continue to impress me with their attention to detail and individual style. Definately a good custom shop to watch for inspiration on your next project. Enjoy the vid…