Doing what you love inspires. A simple statement that stands true in every walk of life. We R Winning is a film produced by Todd Blubaugh in conjunction with TwinLine motorcycles which screened earlier this year at The One Motorcycle Show in Portland Oregon. Through a series of interviews we are introduced to a group of guys who took a chance by following a dream to do what they love and thankfully all succeeding in doing so…and what makes the stories so good is that they all make a living from building motorcycles. The film is packed with loads of great footage and good people who want to share their passion with the hope that perhaps they will inspire others to follow their own dreams.
Check out the trailers and hopefully you get a chance to view the entire film soon.
“Taking risks is important. Without risk life drags on into amindless web of routines where the vitality of hope is slowly sucked from our memory. It’s not long before we are deceived into settling for less of a life than what is actually achievable. I’m always grateful to hear a tale of ordinary people freeing themselves from these illusions. We should all make an effort to have a story like this someday. We R Winning is proud to present an inspiring film about a group of friends overcoming the uncertainties that keeps people from doing what they love.”